German CV

Do you need a German curriculum vitae?


Welcome to the website of ReformDeutsch Education and Methodology Centre! Our goal is to answer all your questions about the German language. We would like to provide you with tips and guidance, if you are interested in jobs in Germany, Austria, Switzerland or in the German language in general. Would you like to apply for a job in Germany, Austria or Switzerland? Read about the recent job offers and learn how to write your CV in German so that applying for your dream job won’t be a problem for you. Do you want to be prepared for the German job interview? Learn more about our offer.


german cv

German CV

Where can I find samples for my CV?


You can find sample CVs on the following webpages:

This site gives you many tips regarding your CV and application letter and it even contains advice for the job interview. It is a professional, user-friendly website you can trust.

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Tabellarischer Lebenslauf

The website offers 112 different sample CVs for its visitors. All of them are well-written and ready for download directly from the site. There are also some tips on writing the perfect CV.

Lebenslauf Designs

This site offers a huge variety of sample CV designs, which are categorised and commented by experts of the topic. We gladly  recommend it to our readers.

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german cv

Do you need a professional German CV or preparation for job interview?

ReformDeutsch JOB


Do you need German language for your job interview? Do you need languages online German? Our international experts prepare you for your job interview in just 2-times 90 minutes. Learn to speak German via Skype and be get ready for your German job interview. INTERESTED? CLICK HERE AND LEARN MORE: German job interview


german cv

German CV

Job offers in Germany

According to the statistics of the last 8 years, the number of open jobs in Germany is constantly increasing. Between 2007 and 2015, it was the last year with the most open jobs, 568 743 of them, to be exact. The most job offers came from the federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. State Saarland had the least of them.


Job offers in Austria

According to official data provided by the Austrian Statistics Office, there were 420 451 open jobs in Austria in the year 2015. Out of these, 416 070 could be filled, meaning that there were 29 251 jobs left open at the end of the year.


Job offers in Switzerland

Accordig to data by the Swiss Statistics Office, the canton of Zürich is the one with the most job possibilities. At the end of 2015, 2933 job offers were left open. Zürich is followed by Waadt, Argau, St. Gallen and Wallis. Because of the country’s size, the number of job offers is of course less than of those in Germany.


What means German CV?


A German curriculum vitae (English: /kəˈrɪkjʊləm ˈviːtaɪ, -ˈwiːtaɪ, -ˈvaɪtiː/), Latin for "course of life", often shortened as German CV or vita (genitive case, vitae), is a written overview of someone's life's work (academic formation, publications, qualifications, etc.) in German language. Vitae can be plural or possessive (genitive case in Latin). Vitae often aim to be a complete record of someone's career in German language, and can be extensive, but they can be (depending on country) used in the same way as a résumé, which is typically a brief 1–2 page summary of qualifications and work experience for the purposes of employment, and often only presents recent highlights. We recommend you also


Do you want to know more about German CV? We recommend you:



German cv. Curriculum vitae. CV template. CV sample. CV format. Curriculum.

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